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  • The Veterans Division
    of Bridge Hospice
    CALL NOW 806.993.3900

Honoring Those Who Served

At BRIDGE Hospice, our VALOR division is a source of great pride—a dedicated unit meticulously designed to pay tribute to the courageous men and women who have selflessly served in the United States Armed Forces. We firmly believe in the immense debt of gratitude we owe our veterans, recognizing their unwavering commitment in times of both conflict and peace. Our unwavering mission is to honor their selfless service and acknowledge the enduring strength they have bestowed upon our nation.

BRIDGE Hospice, offers love, comfort, and unwavering care to these brave individuals who have served in our armed forces, extending our support to their cherished families as well. It is both a solemn privilege and a heartfelt commitment to provide compassionate assistance to our esteemed United States Veterans.


Medical Director

Dr. Larry Warmoth, MD  |  Texas Air National Guard

VA Benefits

As a veteran, you are eligible for care if you are enrolled in benefits and meet the medical need for hospice. Hospice care for veterans is an integral part of veteran palliative care.

Veteran's Program

The program offers resources and training to align our care with our veteran patients’ unique physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.